Sunday, May 14, 2017

Paper Sweeties May 2017 New Release Party!

Woo Hoo!  It's Release Day over at Paper Sweeties!  Today I've used the new Score stamp set to create this cute card for your favorite Athlete!  I left it kind of open as to whether Emma is playing Volleyball or Soccer because I thought it looked like it could be either... in my case I think it will be Volleyball because my niece is playing this Summer and I thought it would be cute to give it to her after her season is over with a little gift card for Panda Express (because she loves it there).

I created this background with many of the stamps from the set and the heart from the Get Your Craft On Planner Set because it was the perfect size.

My first thought was that this was a set for Jake... but why not for Emma?  The cute shorts and tee (which is normally plain but I stamped a heart on it) can be colored any color you want and could be for a boy or girl... I used pink just because I love pink and if I were to be the sort to play sports I'd hope my outfit (aka uniform) would be pink... not to mention the ball :) ...

And of course she's a Superstar!  Just for getting out there and doing it... but really... my niece.. she's pretty darn good!

Hope you enjoyed your visit today and be sure to come back tomorrow for the Release Rewind... I've got a couple things for you for that... and while you're waiting, be sure to visit these places!

And don't forget to play along with us for a chance to win some free stuff!


  1. Love love love love this! LOVING the soccer balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Wow!! Your background is amazing!! And, Emma is so cute in pink/gray as a superstar soccer player!!

  3. A lot of soccer going on there!!! I love the goes great with black, gray, and white :) Hugs...Janie

  4. Well how cute does Emma look! Fabulous creating Lisa!

  5. That background is amazing!!!! Fantastic card!


Thanks for your comments! They make my heart happy! Have a wonderful creative day!

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