Monday, November 27, 2017

Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge #240

Welcome to this week's Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge!  You're finally there!  My last layout for my mini album!  I'll be posting pics of the whole thing in a while if you're interested.. but for now, here it is!

I flipped the sketch and swapped out some shapes... gear and compass for flowers and diamond shape for the oval.

Thanks for going on this ride with me and my mini album and hanging in there with me!  It was a lot of fun and made putting this album together pretty easy since the layouts were already set for me!

Here's the sketch and hope you'll play along with us this week!


  1. Awesome ending to a GREAT Mini Album! I know your SIL will LOVE this gift you made her - you can tell a lot of LOVE went into making it and I was there for the ride - so I know what I'm talking about! hahaha I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful dear friend! Have a great day!

  2. Soooooooooo fun! LOVING that photo!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Quite wonderful and I love the masculine feel of this album page. Those sentiments work great with it. Fantastic photo as well.


Thanks for your comments! They make my heart happy! Have a wonderful creative day!

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