Monday, June 25, 2018

Papertrey Ink June Blog Hop Challenge

I created this card for two reasons... one for love and one for fun.  I happened upon a hop this past weekend, Stamping For Families.  A small group of crafty friends with large hearts.  I found we had something in common...we are all concerned with the tragedy going on right now in our country... children being separated from their parents.

This is not a political post and I won't be discussing with you my thoughts on that subject.  But whichever way your politics sway, you have to agree that separating children from loving parents is never the solution to a problem.  So I decided to join in and link up a card.   If you do feel the same way and want to help, there are some awesome resources and links at Sandy Allnock's blog here.

Also, I wanted to create something for this month's Papertrey Ink Blog Hop.  The gorgeous inspiration photo... literally made my mouth water. 

When I thought about what kind of card I would create, my thoughts immediately turned to this Words To Live By: Courage sentiment set by PTI.  I am wishing all of the families that are separated strength and courage until and after they are reunited.  It will be a long road with many struggles and obstacles even after.  My heart hurts for them.

And what better represents freedom, renewal, and hope but a butterfly.  And I decided to make a rainbow of butterflies.. as so often happens, the colors in the inspiration photo for the Papertrey Ink Blog Hop are what inspired me.  What a beautiful photo isn't it?

So that's it for me today.  I'll be back on Wednesday with something else.  If you'd like to support or link up to the Stamping for Families Blog Hop you can start at Sandy Allnocks place.  There are a few prizes being offered by some of the participating bloggers, but go for the love and inspiration. 

If you'd like to join along with the Papertrey Ink Blog Hop for June 2018, then you can link up here!  You must use at least one Papertrey Ink product and be inspired by the photo below... you know... the gorgeous one!

Thanks for stopping and if somehow you don't agree with this cause that speaks to me, then just tell me what you think about my card!


  1. Love the rich colors on your butterflies!

  2. Love the butterfly trail and such pretty colors!

  3. Lisa, this is stunning, gorgeous, and beautiful! I cannot come close to your skill level but am inspired by your work to create a similar card for a loved one who is working through the pain of a broken heart.

  4. Love the flight of the butterflies! Great design!

  5. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL card and heartfelt post...loved it!! :0)

  6. This is beautiful! I love your gorgeous colors on this.

  7. Wow! I love how you used the butterflies to capture the color and contrasts of the inspiration image. Beautiful card!

  8. Hi Lisa,

    Your card blew me away and your thoughts about this TRAGEDY tug at my heart. I am Puerto Rican and I can come and go as I please between my Country and the US just for the fact that the USA government imposed on us the American citizenship in order for us to go to war for them, Having said that I identify with these poor people that are seeking asylum for justified reasons in the US, thinking that they will hear them and grant them entry so that they will have a chance to see their children grow up and be responsible adults. The majority of them when they are established, contrary to the lies that have been said are tax paying, law abiding people. This reminded me so much of the American concentration camps that were erected on the US for Americans of Japanese descent on WW II. If we don't speak out loud I am sadly predicting more atrocities as these in the future!
    Thanks for the card, the inspiration and the COMPASSION!

    María Alba

  9. Love the card and your sentiments about the tragedy and evil being practiced right now against those poor children. I will have to look into Sandy's blog, thanks for the link.

  10. I love all this card because it is beautiful and for the amount of heart that went into it. This is tragic and senseless. I am heartbroken for those people suffering. Thank you for sharing this project!

  11. The Butterflies are GORGEOUS!! Totally LOVE this!


  12. What a beautiful card and sesntiment! Love that you used butterflies!

  13. you so much for doing this and sharing your thoughts. I am so moved by it

  14. This is gorgeous! I love how you pulled the colours from the inspiration photo for your beautiful butterflies!

  15. This is sooooooo gorgeous!! I am loving those butterflies and the sentiment!! And I agree with you all the way -- what is happening is insane!!

  16. Your card and words are wonderful!

  17. So beautiful with those gorgeous colored butterflies and the whole card layout.

  18. Your card is absolutely gorgeous, Lisa. Those butterflies are so colourful and beautiful. I like that you are supporting such a good cause. I am not familiar with what is happening there in your country but it sounds horrible.

  19. I love your card on so many levels! First off the butterflies are gorgeous, the colors are so vibrant! The message is so important and I love the sentiment you used to get the message across! Awesome card!!

  20. beautiful card and sentiment!

  21. Awww this is AWESOME!!! HUgs!!


Thanks for your comments! They make my heart happy! Have a wonderful creative day!

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