Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Caffeine Fueled Paper Play - Paper Smooches!

I'm up on the Coffee Loving Cardmakers Blog today and playing along with a challenge over at Paper Smooches!  Hope you'll hop on over there and check out the details!  Here's a sneak peek:


  1. Just gorgeous, Lisa!! I am loving the steam!! You are so very creative, my friend!!

  2. Ooh, so pretty! LOVE your card!


  3. Helloooo, Oh how I am loving your cards. I saw this one on insta, love the bright happy colours! You are so creative with coffee...great colouring too!

  4. Awesome card! love all the layers!

  5. So well designed with all those layers, wonderful images and great Spring like colors.


Thanks for your comments! They make my heart happy! Have a wonderful creative day!

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