Sunday, October 27, 2019

CAS-ual Fridays 7 Years Release - Angels

Today is the day!  It's the first day of the new CAS-ual Fridays Release and we've got some sweetness for you!  Say hello to Flower Angel!  Isn't she sweet??

I started by creating my background with some distress oxides.  Then I used the Tin Roof Stencil to apply some pearl embossing paste and set it aside to dry.

While I waited for that to dry, I stamped, colored and fussy cut my Flower Angel.  I added some Wink of Stella to her wings which of course you can't see ... lol... and used a gold Wink of Stella pen on her halo.

This set has the most beautiful sentiments in it!  The Heart Board Fri-Dies were perfect for a little bit of embellishment.

Love her!

I'm entering her into the Simon Says Stamp Instagram Challenge for October which is your favorite technique!  I love to ink distress a background and then add some embossing paste using a stencil!

And we're also sharing projects using the new Angel Hugs set!

Not just one but two beautiful angels and more beautiful sentiments!

I started this one with the Four Petals stencil and some Glitter Water Colors.

I cut a Scallop Tag from watercolor paper and heat embossed one of my favorite sentiments ont o it and then smooshed a bit of watercolor onto the bottom of it.  I also stamped and embossed these cuties in gold and colored them, cut them out and popped them up over the watercolored area.

I just love all of the shimmer!

I just love today's releases!  So easy to make a beautiful card for many different occasions!

I'm playing along with the Simon Says Stamp IG challenge here!  This month the theme is your Favorite Technique!  One of my favorite techniques is watercoloring through a stencil.

Thanks for stopping here!  Be sure to head on over to the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps Blog see what everyone has created for you today and for information about the giveaway!

You can shop for all of the New Release products right now, right here!  Should you see something you must have, I have this for you:

Be sure to come back tomorrow for some more New Release goodness!


  1. Gorgeous coloring and backgrounds! I love them both!

  2. Fantastic cards.
    Love the rich red in the gown.
    The gold embossing is great.
    thanks for sharing

  3. These are so lovely with those cute angels.


Thanks for your comments! They make my heart happy! Have a wonderful creative day!

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