Friday, May 29, 2020

Coffee Lover's Blog Hop - Day 8 Erin Lee Creative!

Hello!  Welcome to the Coffee Lovers Blog Hop!  Sniff Sniff... It's Day 8.  You have until this evening to link up and play along!    This is my last post for the hop and right now I'm sharing with you some Erin Lee Creative!   Erin Lee Creative is one of the many sponsors offering up awesome prizes for linking up to the hop!  

To play along, you just need to create something with a coffee, tea, or cocoa theme and link it up for your chance(s) to win!  (Yup! You can link up multiple new creations for multiple chances!).  For all of the rules and to check out who the sponsors are, link up or just start hopping, check out the main hop post here up on the Coffee Loving Cardmakers Blog!  And for even more fun, if you're not already a member, join us over in the Coffee Loving Papercrafters Group on Facebook here where we share caffeinated inspiration all year long!  (Be sure to answer all of the questions to get added right away!  You have until the end of the day today to link up!

Here's how I was inspired:

As soon as I saw this Coffee Girl stamp set I knew I had to have it!  And I imagined those swirls in rainbow colors immediately!

I had created this cloudy rainbow background a while ago using a die cut from the Bubble Box dies over at CAS-ual Fridays Stamps... it wasn't right for the project I was working on then but I'm so glad I saved it because it was perfect for this one!  Too much rainbow???  Never!!

And once again that stitched cloud from Lawn Fawn was perfect for her to float on while she sips her brew!

That's it.  I can't believe how fast it went.  I'm still visiting as many blogs as I can and I'm loving everything I see.  I hope you enjoyed the hop as well and you still have a few hours to play along!  Thanks so much for all of your visits and you should be hearing from me soon too!

Come back again soon!


  1. I love your color choices and coloring. Darling images.

  2. Love the colorful clouds and so pretty image, beautiful scene dear!

  3. This is stunning! You've done a great job of colouring that sweet image, and I love your pretty background.

  4. Wonderful card design and great colors.

  5. Love love love this! LOVING the rainbow goodness!!!!

  6. This is too awesome! Love those colorful swirls!

  7. I love your card! Beautifully made!

  8. Beautiful card Lisa!! Love everything about it!!!

  9. This is a beautiful card! I love the images!

  10. Love how you used these two images together. Fabulous rainbow coffee!

  11. Beautiful card and great use of color


Thanks for your comments! They make my heart happy! Have a wonderful creative day!

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