Friday, November 12, 2021

Fall/Winter Coffee Lovers Blog Hop 2021 - Tea First

Welcome back!  This is my second card for the Coffee Lovers Blog Hop and I've used some great Miss Ink Stamps stuff for this one.  Here's how I was inspired:

I created the background with my Gel Press, some acrylic paint and my very favorite stencil from Miss Ink, the Circular Harlequin Stencil.  I haven't used it in a while though and decided today was the day!

I decided the background was perfect for a Tea Party... Just the Mad Hatter and a fun sentiment...

Now!  Head on over to the Coffee Loving Cardmakers Blog to check out all of the details for the hop!  It's a week long celebration of all things Coffee, Tea, Cocoa or Hot Apple Cider!  Create something new with one of those themes and link it up for your chance to win some prizes!  Lots of Sponsors and lots of prizes!  And link up multiple times with additional new projects!  Be sure to link back to the challenge and give us a mention.  Grab the hop graphic for your post!  And be sure to give our sponsors some love!

I’m also playing along over at the special coffee themed challenge at Double Trouble Challenge Blog De Ja Brew!  If you are playing along with the CLC Hop be sure to check out this one too for more chances to win!

Thanks so much for stopping and hope you’ll come again soon!



  1. Love the mad hatter image. It’s perfect for the blog hop too

  2. Wow, fabulous background and so fitting for the Mad Hatters Tea Party. He's so bright and colorful too. Makes me wanna join that Tea party, can we get coffee there too? Fun and adorable card. Thanks for your support to our DeJa-Brew Challenge at Double Trouble to a very dedicated member to Coffee Lovers Cardmaking.

  3. Wonderfull card, I like the whole look of it with the Mad Hatter and his cups. The background reminds me of tie-and-dye from years and uears ago ;o)

  4. Another fabulous background! Always enjoy your awesome cards. ;-)

  5. Lisa Hopping over from the Coffee Lovers Blog to say - Fabulous Card! Bring on the Tea!

  6. What a cute image! The Mad Hatter is awesome and the background matches the feel of that image perfectly . Thanks for linking up with us at Double trouble! :)

  7. Hey sweet friend! I know it's been forever and a day since I've commented... Life's been keeping me busy! :) But I had to stop by and tell ya how flippin' COOL your card is! I love the background and image! :) HUGS!

    Theresa's Crafty Creations

  8. Your Mad Hatter is amazingly colored and that background is stunning!

  9. Fun background design and image! Love the Mad Hatter!

  10. Lisa, as soon as I saw your fantastic psychedelic background you created on your gel press, I found a graphic image of what my first cup of tea feels like in the morning! Great coloring job with your markers, and fun sentiment! Thank you for sharing your card and creativity with us at Double Trouble for our "Daja-Brew" challenge!!! -Donna


Thanks for your comments! They make my heart happy! Have a wonderful creative day!

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