Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Versatile Card Workshops!

Just a quick post... remember the Blossom card workshop I did a few weeks ago.  I used one of the card workshops from the Wishes book and I had an extra set of cuts (the cutting guide cut 20 cards, 2x10, but I only used 10 for the workshop).  I took out one of those extra card cut packages and flipped the papers around and added some different embellishments and I have a completely different card.  I did replace the black mat for a smoothie one, but that was it as far as the base.  I cut the wreath from Artfully Sent and the Hello tag from the new Artistry Cricut cartridge (SNEAK PEAK ALERT!), added some really cute flower sequins from Paper Sweeties and some old Just Blooms butterflies (that for a very limited time are available at a discount in the While Supplies Last section of my CTMH website along with a bunch of other awesome stuff) that I painted, and then embossed.  Oh... and some leftover dyed ribbon...
The original design is on the right below:

Thanks for stopping by and come back for more sneak peaks from upcoming products!


  1. So pretty Lisa....love all the sparkle. How cute are the flower sequins, I had a little spend up at Paper Sweeties last week! Looks like I need to start saving for the new cart. The hand dyed ribbon is really pretty! have a wonderful weekend!

  2. And to think these were left-overs from a workshop...great card.


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