Monday, February 1, 2016

Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge #145

Welcome to Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge #145!  Warning...  I took some liberties with this week's sketch!  So I got the Close To My Heart journal last month when it was on special.  I have been collecting things to put in it and to be honest I haven't recorded anything in it ... embarrassed blushing.  (No wonder I never know what's going on)  This is my first page.
I received from a friend some beautiful crocheted flower/doilies and I've been saving the bag, tag and postage stamp from it for a while.... afraid I'd lose it.  When I was looking at the sketch I came across this bag with the pretty banners attached and decided what I'd do with both... the sketch and the gift.  The green gingham check is from the bag she sent the doilies in... and the banners and butterfly were attached to it along with the tag.  I used a couple of the beautiful doilies to decorate along with a leftover flower I cut from Artistry for a past project.

I was having such a hard time putting this one together feeling like all of the circles in the sketch had to be circular and I couldn't find the right thing... more flowers made it too heavy and took away from the ones I had... circles?  Eh.... and this is where everything went haywire!  I decided to use leaves instead of additional circles... do you forgive me?  I think it was worth it...just what it needed.  I'd say I'm sorry... but I'm not. :)

Don't you you love those little sequins?  These ones are from Fun Stampers Journey and they were the perfect colors and my friend Linda (who doesn't have a blog yet) let me use some.

So glad I saved the postage label and of course the tag.  I will add some journaling probably on a separate page... maybe with a little arrow... :) ... maybe a lot of my future projects are going to have to do with my journal/planner/scrapbook.
I really did have quite a few more ideas for this sketch and may be posting yet another soon... great sketch, Michelle!


  1. Soooooooooo gorgeous! LOVING the colors and the flowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh My Gosh Lisa......I'm speechless! Wow, its so special that you saved the packaging and postage details. The doilies look so pretty, so happy you like them! I love seeing them on your projects, beautiful work my friend! hugs

  3. Me again....funny thing - I've just got up, I looked at your project and thought....'those papers look familiar, they are different colours from what you usually use'! Then I read the post...very cool!

  4. You are definitely rocking this sketch! Those crocheted flowers are beautiful! Wow! I need to learn to crochet! Love these spring colours! The postage tag is such a nice tough - I guess I should start saving things like this!

  5. So pretty. I love the crochet doilies.

  6. You do SUCH beautiful work, Lisa. Love the gorgeous crocheted flowers so much! Every card you made with this sketch is lovely. TYFS and TYSM for the sweet comments on my Blog!


Thanks for your comments! They make my heart happy! Have a wonderful creative day!

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