Sunday, April 2, 2017

Three Amigos Bloghop (and Challenge) April 2017

So happy you are joining us this month!  This will be the first month for our challenge and although I thought about postponing it one more month because I wasn't quite ready, I decided just to jump in with both feet so let's see how this goes!

If you'll remember, last month I was offering up a random draw prize from all of the comments left on our three blogs and you can find out the winner by clicking here and heading over to the Challenge Blog.  But before you do that, let me tell you a little about my project... that's not an order... you can do whatever you want... but I hope you stay for a few minutes and let me know you were here!  And here are links to Donna and Susan's creations for this challenge!

This month we're using the Some Kinda Wonderful paper packet and I'll tell you... I'm lovin' it!  It's not my favorite kind of papers... with the bright colors and bold patterns, but I do love this one and I managed to make a kind of sweet card with it.

I paired it with the Stamp of the Month from a couple months ago... these sweet bunnies... believe it or not this is the first I've inked them up and I don't know what's taken me so long.  And I used all of these different patterns with some of my favorite dies for the grass, the sky, the clouds...

And I recently got these cute little puffies that were the perfect colors and sweetness so I just had to use them.

So be sure to check out the Three Amigos Blog Hop Challenge for the details and I sure hope you play along with us!  Just think... if you're the only one then your chances are pretty good you'll win!  It's all about the fun!  And just so you know, you don't have to use CTMH products to play along... 


  1. Love how you colored in the bunnies. This is one of my favorite Stamp Sets!

  2. Sooooooooooooo cute! LOVING those bunnies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. So adorable and love the frame and scene you created with the grass and clouds with the design paper.

  4. awesomenesss!!!! Love those bunnies! Good on you for getting their little bunny feet wet!

  5. I love your bunnies and the little basket hiding in the grass. YOU are so creative!

  6. Adorable Bunnies, such a sweet card!

  7. Who makes the sweet bunny stamps? I want them!

    1. Karen, those stamps are from Close to my heart. They were a stamp of the month so you can't get them anymore but I might be able to hook you up with someone who has an extra if you want. Let me know. I didn't get any extras if this one.


Thanks for your comments! They make my heart happy! Have a wonderful creative day!

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