It's February... I know Spring is coming... eventually... it keeps me hanging on..lol. We have some really great things going on this month. Two specials!
The first... if you have been thinking about signing up to become a consultant February is the time to do it! You have the opportunity to get even MORE free stuff... you can earn your consultant kit FREE when you meet some pretty easy minimum sales goals during your first few months! Our Straight To The Top program also earns you some free select product credit! All you have to do is put in the time doing what you already love to do.
Also during February, if you are a member of Studio J, our online digital scrapbooking club, when you buy 8 layouts, you get the 9th free! (If you buy 16, you get 2 free!). What a great deal when you consider that members already get their layouts at half the regular price AND free shipping once a month! You can bet I'm going to take advantage of this one. I've loved doing my vacation albums in this new format... a digital title page, a couple traditionally scrapbooked pages and then the rest of my (hundreds) of pics in pocket pages. And don't worry! It doesn't have to be either/or... you can scrapbook both ways! It's especially easy with Studio J as many of the paper choices match our traditional paper sets. You can give it a try ... there's no charge unless you actually choose to buy your layouts. If you have questions, please contact me.
So... stay warm.. I'll be uploading some more artwork soon. And yes... Spring IS coming.....