Tuesday, January 14, 2025

A Cozy Cat - A Jillian Vance Design

I'm up on the blog over at A Jillian Vance Design!

And playing along with the current Double Trouble Challenge.  Join me over at A Jillian Vance Design for links and details!



Alyson Mayo said...

Adorable cat - love the foiled background! Thanks for sharing with us at Double Trouble :)

Melanie Hungerford said...

Your smiling kitty looks great with the foiled back ground and shiny letters! Thanks for joining us at Double Trouble.

Suzanne Reynolds said...

Your foil background is so bright and pretty and the kitten seems quite happy with surroundings. Bright, cheery and warm and cozy. Certainly enhanced our 3-2-1 recipe and thank you for sharing.