Saturday, May 25, 2024

Crafty Elves Countdown to Christmas - May 2024 Edition

Hello!  It's the 25th of the month and time for the Crafty Elves to share the Christmas cards we made this month!  Be sure when you leave here you check out what Debra and Michael have for you today!

Recently Honey Bee Stamps had a sale and I picked up some fun things in their shop!  That Peace word die and stamp set were perfect and I knew I'd use that Peace word for one or more Crafty Elves posts!

But when I came across this gel print in my stash with the pretty foiled snowflake on it, I knew the Peace would be perfect and then I saw that Helping Hand die set (which last I checked is only $3 on clearance!!) with the peace sign and I thought it would be fun to make the hand catching snowflakes and yeah... why not a peace sign!?  I used lots of papers from past and present Your Paper Insider boxes.  I love it!

That's me for today!  Don't forget to check out what Debra and Michael have created!  Thanks for stopping.  I hope you'll come again soon.


1 comment:

Denise Bryant said...

Love the way you used the hand on your card! Awesome gel print background too! I have a gel plate and I have never used it... I should give it a try!